The Mini USB wireless
adapter lets your computer and laptop to connect Wi-Fi freely. Despite
the size, this tiny USB card supports higher data rate of up to 150Mbps
when connecting with wireless 802.11n device which is 3 times faster
than your normally 11g connection. You can just plug it into the computer's
USB port and enjoy incredible high-speed wireless network access. This
is for sure the trendiest piece of upgrade you can make to your wireless
network. High-Speed Network Access: The wireless USB adapter
LAN card offers a simple way of either adding or upgrading your wireless
connectivity. It is especially meant to boost the connectivity on your
desktop computer system or laptop. Unbelievably high-speed network
access is what this USB wireless network adapter If you connect it to a
wireless 802.11n device, you can easily expect it to transmit data at a
speed of up to 150Mbps. All you need to do to enjoy fast web access is
plug the Wi-Fi USB adapter LAN card into the USB port of your
computer or notebook and you will be good to go.