Joom: The information about the product is provided by the seller. Notwithstanding any of this information, the product is not intended for diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease, is not a drug or a medical device, and should not be used for any medical purposes. Please consult a medical specialist.
Shelf life: 3 years
Manufacture Country: China
Instructions included: Yes
Brand Name : Sumifun
Product Name:sleep aid patch
Application :Body
Shelf Life : 2 years
Specification: 6pcs / 1 bag
Effect: Suitable for sub-healthy people who long-term insomnia or lack of sleep , dizziness and other uncomfortable symptoms。 relaxes your body making you fall asleep faster.
Usage: For external use, wipe the application site clean with warm water, remove the backing paper and apply directly to the belly button, one piece a day, or increase the number of times according to the actual situation.
contraindications, precautions, warnings and suggestive instructions: it is forbidden for pregnant women and skin ulcers. People with allergic constitution should use it with caution. If they feel uncomfortable during use, they should stop using it
storage method:sealed and stored in a cool and dry place.
specification and model: 7cmx6cm