This link is only available for Mini Duplex MMDVM boards. Setting up Pi-star software and raspberry hardware (rpi 0-3) New pi4b requires removal of Right Socket.
Pi-star general configuration for MMDVM_DUPLEX
Set Controller Mode: Duplex Repeaters or Simple
Radio Frequency: Freq: 144-148, 219-225, (primary band) 420-475, 842-950
Duplex Mode: Example: RX:438.000000 TX:433.000000
Duplex Mode: Example: RX:145.000000 TX:433.000000
Simplex Mode: Example: RX:438.000000 TX:438.000000
Radio/Modem Type: STM32-DVM/MMDVM_HS-Raspberry pi Hat (GPIO) or any other (GPIO board)
Options: (not required now, some older boards need to be set)
Admin->Expert->Edit MMDVMHOST->RXOFFSET=0 TXOFFSET=0 (default value in pistar)
(Update: 2019/2 New 3225 TCXO so offset is 0 )
Update new firmware: (pi-star / Expert / ssh access / user :pi-star pass:raspberry)
sudo pistar-mmdvmhshatflash hs_dual_hat
The default BER is less than 5% and the default offset is 0. If the BER is greater than 5%, it can be corrected by offset as long as the signal can be received.
Name: Hotspot Board
Material: printed circuit board
Package size: 80 * 50 * 20mm / 3.15 * 1.97 * 0.79in
Package weight: 10g / 0.35ounce
Packing List:
1 * Hotspot Board