Your woman will love the rock solid results and large penis, she will be begging for more , enjoy a pleasurable sexual experience.The pump can help you achieve your penis enlargement and you will be the larger man. Pumping sessions increase blood flow to the penis which can stimulate firmer long lasting erections. Pumping can also heighten sensitivity , aid in stamina training and enlarge the size of your penis.A single 10 minutes session can thicken and lengthen your penis for up to 24 hours and permanent results will be achieved with regular use.Clear scale to help you monitor the growth of your penis while you use this penis extender pump . The pump has superb suction and has quality construction.Simply relax as the automatic motor creates a stimulation sensation that may lead to bigger, stronger performance designed to improve blood flow, the automatic pump does the hard bit for you , the vacuum level is typically stronger than the natural blood flow into the penis ,when you get a natural erection.USE SUGGESTIONSIt is recommended to exercise once or twice daily , morning or evening . 5 to 10 minutes at a time, pumping to the penis to comfortably erect.Lubricate the inner wall of the cylinder and yourself . Insert your penis into the cylinder , the cylinder should remain firmly pressed against the base of your penis yo keep air from escaping.