Points:1、Premium Peanut Exercise Ball: Made of eco-friendly, high quality PVC, featured by nonslip surface and premium coating. Not only can be used for women and men, but also a better choice for the exercising of old man and child. 3 colors for optional, including blue, purple and pink. The size of the peanut ball is about 90*45cm/35.43*17.72in. Its weight capacity is about 2kg.2、Perfect for Workout: Perfect for daily home workout and gym. You won't need much space at all to create your very own home gym or yoga studio!3、Wide Applications: Can be used for yoga, fitne workouts in the gym and at home, can be used as an exercise ball office chair. Help improve balance and coordination or a fitne ball for training abs, back, glutes and other muscles throughout the body.4、Durable and Practical: Designed to withstand the most rigorous of workouts, which is durable and practical.5、Easy to Inflate: Comes with a foot pump for quick inflation to be perfect to use at home and fitne studio. And the package includes 1 x peanut ball, 1 x hand pump, 1 x plug and 1 x plug remover tool.Tipsforinflation:1.Howtoinflatethepeanutball:AllowBalltoreachroomtemperaturebeforeinflating.Insertthepumpintotheball'sairvalveandworkthepump,airinguptheball.Stopinflatingwhentheballreachesthelevelofthemark.Yourballisnowreadytouse.Donotoverinflate.Ballmaynotinflateto100%ofsizeoninitialinflation.DuetotheBall'smaterial,itwillincreasetopropersizewithsecondinflation.2.Howtodeflatethepeanutball:Removethevalvestemcoverwiththeplugpullerthatcamewiththeexerciseball.Twistthevalvebackandforthinanupwardmotionuntilthevalveisfullyremovedfromtheball.Usertips:Chooseaworkoutthatsuitsyourstrengthandflexibility.Followyourdoctorrecommendationswhenundertakingexercise.Stopexercisingimmediatelyifyoufeel/becomefaintorfeelpain.Storeyourballindoorsatroomtemperature-ThesunwillcausetheballtobebrokenovertimeduetoUVrayexposure.Easytoclean-Ourpeanutballiseasytocleanwithjustasoftdampcloth.Mostant,ourfitneballisphthalatesfreeanddoesn'tcontainanyheavymetalelements.Keepawayfromhardobjects-Theballisanti-burstandmadeextratough,nottobeusedaroundhardobjects.PackingList:1xPeanutBall1xHandPump1xPlug1xPlugRemoverTool

See more product details1. [ Multi-functional Design ] Suitable for kids and adults, Excercise Workout Ball allows you to have great workouts in the comfort of your own home, great for yoga, pilates, fitne, birthing exercises, balance training, and more.2. [ Superior PVC Material ] Safe, flexible, and environmentally friendly, Yoga Ball For Exercise is made of excellent PVC material, durable for long-term use.3. [ Work Well for You ] Not easy to break or deform, Exercise Balls For Adults are crafted with smooth appearances without burrs, anti-burst tested and non-slip.4. [ Ideal Choice ] Ideal for training abs, back, glutes, and other body muscles, Exercise Balls For Working Out are a great workout buddy especially for those times when you struggle to get to the gym, nice gifts for friends and coworkers.5. [ Easy Inflation ] Only takes a few minutes to inflate, Yoga Ball For Pregnancy is perfect to use at home and in fitne studio, comes with a foot pump for quick and easy inflation.