Components of a video game console
Game controller is a component of a common electronic game console, which controls the virtual role of the game by manipulating its buttons.
The standard configuration of the game controller is established and implemented by Nintendo, which includes three control buttons: cross key (direction), ABXY key (action - there are also hardware manufacturers who use different methods to mark, but the arrangement is roughly the same), and select and pause key (menu). In foreign countries, there are mainly host handles, Microsoft's XBOX series and SONY's PS series.
Most of China's multi-mode compatible consoles are Beitong game consoles, including mainstream computers (PCs), smart phones, smart TVs, etc.
Word direction key
The D-Pad is Nintendo's most famous innovation in game consoles. Today, almost every game controller can see the existence of the cross direction key. The history of this cross direction key can be traced back to the version of "King Kong" by Miyamoto Shigeru, Yokota Junhei and the handheld version. In order to enter the handheld market, Nintendo decided to launch the handheld version of King Kong. When designing hardware interaction, Nintendo encountered a problem: if you want to use a rocker handle device like a home host, the overall appearance will become cumbersome.
Nintendo hardware designer Jun Hiroshi Yokei solved this problem with a cross key. This simple and efficient design was officially launched on the G&W of the first generation of Nintendo loaded handheld version of King Kong, and then quickly became popular, becoming the standard configuration of almost all handheld computers.
wireless handle
In addition to such classic innovations as the cross direction key, Nintendo is also the first manufacturer to experiment with wireless handles. [3] As early as 1989, they first tried wireless handle design on NES host. At that time, the device was called "NES Satellite", which allowed up to four players to connect their own handles to a transmitter, [3] while a receiver was added to the NES host, and the transmitter sent signals to the receiver, so as to control the host game with the handle.
In 2002, Nintendo released a real wireless controller, WaveBird, the winner of the best external design award at the E3 exhibition in 2002. The WaveBird handle is connected to the NGC host through wireless frequency pairing.
Somatosensory operation
In 2006, Nintendo released a new generation of game console Wii, and the new game controller matched with the Wii introduced motion into the TV game console for the first time. The internal development code of Wii is "The Revolution", and it really deserves its name: for the first time, users found that they can directly control the game characters on the screen with their body movements in addition to the traditional handle button control.
Handles are classified into wired game controllers and wireless game controllers according to the connection type.