About this itemINTENSE TWO-PLAYER GAMEPLAY: Enter the world of Splendor in an exciting battle designed exclusively for two players. Outwit and outmaneuver your opponent as you race to gain the most prestige points and become the master gtone merchant.STRATEGIC GTONE ACQUISITION: Pyour moves carefully to collect gtones and construct powerful combinations. Use your resources wisely to purchase development cards and gain an edge over your adversary.IMMERSIVE AND COMPACT DESIGN: Splendor Duel features high-quality components, including gtone tokens, development cards, and noble tiles. The game's compact size makes it perfect for travel or playing on-the-go without sacrificing the immersive gaming experience.QUICK AND ENG GAMEPLAY: Enjoy fast-paced gameplay with average playtimes of just 30 minutes. Splendor Duel offers a perfect balance of simplicity and strategic depth, making it acceible for both casuaamers and experienced board game enthusiasts.ENDLESS REPLAYABILITY: With a vast array of development cards and different starting setups, no two games of Splendor Duel are alike. Explore various strategies and adapt your tactics to emerge victorious in this exciting gtone battle.

.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-container { position: relative; } .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container, .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container >p>/* Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs. The sizes need to be set again on the absolutely positioned s so they can take up space. */ .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-container, .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container { height: 625px; width: 100%; max-width: 1464px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; overflow: hidden; } /* This centers the carousel vertically on top of the hero image container and ar the logo area (125px). Margin-top = (heroHeight - cardHeight - logoAreaHeight) / 2 + logoAreaHeight */ .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-row-inner{ margin-top: 149px; } /* Cards need to have a width set, otherwise they default to 50px or so. All cards must have the same width. The carousel will resize its so all cards take the width of the largest card. The left margin is for leaving a space between each card. */ .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-card { width: 362px; margin-left: 30px !ant; } /* styling the ons so they are taller, flush with the sides, and have a clean background */ .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left, .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right { padding: 0px; } .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left .a-on-image, .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-on-image { border: none; margin: 0px; } .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left .a-on-image .a-on-inner, .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-on-image .a-on-inner { background: #fff; padding: 20px 6px; } .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left .a-on-image .a-on-inner { border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; } .aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-on-image .a-on-inner { border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; }