Model Number : Rotating LED Clock kitOperating Temperature : -40-80Dissipation Power : WSupply Voltage : VApplication : ComputerCondition : NewType : Voltage Regulator : Mainland ChinaMainly Push The Most Popular Products[Note related to LED class suite]Between some customers said the light is not on a lot of afterwelding, the combination of market feedback and our own weldingdozens of sets of testing, sampling and LED lights will have a largenumber of tests, the lamp itself has a problem of possibility is verysmall. Welding technical proficiency and the cause of the solderingiron burnt and soldering iron electrostatic damage problem iswidespread, not letter you can use a multimeter or before weldingCR2032 on battery - a test. Welding technology is not good, orwelding less at ordinary times, suggest you can also buy more lights.Set aside.Test LED lights don't can directly use dry cell test 2 day, regulatedpower supply must not be directly used to test, have no direct useof mobile phone batteries, or, a rechargeable battery to test theabove tests must add resistance to current limit, or you don't have asecond will burn out leds! For a testing tool is CR2032 ons"battery", can buy one to test in our store.Please note: suite without the power cord, need to buy in our store,thank you!