The baby is in the stage of continuous development, and the various tissues and organs of the body and the circulatory system are not fully developed, especially the thermoregulation center is not fully developed, and the regulation function is poor. The baby's heat production capacity is small, the heat dissipation capacity is large, and the peripheral circulation is not good, it is easy to catch cold and cause diseases. Therefore, putting on socks and hats for babies can keep warm and avoid cold. There are other benefits for babies to wear socks. For example, when the baby grows with age, its range of activities continues to expand, especially the various activities of the lower limbs increase. In this way, the chances of the skin and toes being born will increase. If you wear socks, it can be reduced. the occurrence of injury. In addition, some dirty things in the external environment, such as dust, thread, etc., contain harmful bacteria. If they come into contact with the delicate skin of the baby, it is easy to cause infection. Therefore, the baby wearing socks plays a role in keeping the skin clean and hygienic. Wearing socks is a powerful and harmless thing for the baby. Mothers should choose socks that are breathable, soft and suitable for the baby's feet, so that the baby can grow up healthily under the care of the mother!