Jurassic is a geological age that lies between the Triassic and Cretaceous periods, ranging from approximately 199.6 million years ago (with an error value of 600000 years) to 145.5 million years ago (with an error value of 4 million years).The Jurassic period is the second period of the Mesozoic era, starting from the Triassic Jurassic extinction event. Although the rock markers during this period are very obvious and clear, the exact time of their beginning and end cannot be determined very accurately, just like other ancient geological eras. The name of the Jurassic period comes from the Jurassic Mountains on the border between Germany, France, and Switzerland. At this point, the supercontinent Pangea began to truly split, with cracks in the continental crust forming the Atlantic Ocean, Africa starting to split from South America, and India preparing to move towards Asia.