Electrons are negatively charged subic particles. It can be free (not belonging to any ) or bound by the nucleus. Electrons in s exist in spherical shells of various radii and described energy levels. The larger the spherical shell, the higher the energy contained in the electrons.
In electrical conductors, electric current is generated by the independent movement of electrons between s, usually from the cathode to the anode of an electrode. In semiconductor materials, electrical current is also generated by moving electrons. But sometimes it's more illustrative to think of electric current as an electron-deficient movement from to . Electron-deficient s in semiconductors are called holes. Typically, holes "move" from the positive electrode to the negative electrode.
Electrons belong to the leptonic class of subic particles. Leptons are considered to be one of the fundamental particles that make up matter. It has a spin of 1/2, that is, a fermion (according to Fermi-Dirac statistics). The charge of the electron is e=-1.6×10-19C (Coulomb), the mass is 9.11×10-31kg (0.51MeV/c2), and the energy is 5.11×105eV, which is usually expressed as e⁻. The antiparticle of the electron is the positron, which has the same mass, energy, spin, and equal positive charge as the electron (+1 for a positron and -1 for a negative electron).
The basic unit of matter, the , is composed of electrons, neutrons and protons. Neutrons are uncharged, protons are positively charged, and s have no external charge. The mass of electrons is extremely small relative to the nucleus of neutrons and protons. The mass of a proton is about 1840 times that of an electron.
When electrons are freed from nuclei and move freely in other s, the resulting net flow is called electric current.
The ability of various s to bind electrons is different, so they become positive ions due to loss of electrons, and become negative ions when they gain electrons.
Static electricity refers to a situation in which an object has more or less electrons than the charge of an ic nucleus, resulting in an imbalance of positive and negative charge. When there is an excess of electrons, the object is called negatively charged; when there is a shortage of electrons, the object is called positively charged. An object is said to be electrically neutral when the positive and negative charges are in balance. Static electricity has many applications in our daily life, examples of which are laser printers. [2]