All the imitation gold products in our store are made of copper as the raw material and plated with gold on the surface, with a color similar to gold, fine blanks, and a simulation degree of over 95%.Our products are all color preserving products, but after all, they are just replicas, and color fading is inevitable.No one can guarantee that replicas will not fade, even real gold will change color!The majority of buyers' feedback is that the color will last for one to two years, but it cannot be ruled out that a few people may have issues with personal health and maintenance during use, nor can it be ruled out that the color may fade in the short term.
promises to be responsible for the information released by our company.If there is any inconsistency in the information that directly causes losses to customers, our company will bear the responsibility.But we refuse to bear the losses caused by the customer's own reasons (such as not looking at the product details and attributes. For example, a single pendant does not come with a chain, the product does not have a packaging box, the product size and imagination are different, the product is not all sand gold but copper gold-plated, etc.).We hope the customer can read and ask more questions.Thank You for Your Cooperation!