Outdoor equipment refers to some equipment that needs to be configured when participating in various adventure tourism and outdoor activities. These include tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, moisture-proof or air mattresses, climbing ropes, rock spikes, seat belts, ascenders, descenders, large and small locks, lanyards, ice axes, rock hammers, small ice axes, crampons, ski poles, Helmets, snowboards, alpine glasses, down jackets, windbreakers, sweaters, gloves, alpine boots, socks, winter hats, ice picks, snow cones, cooking utensils, stoves, multi-purpose water bottles, straws or water purifiers, Compass, telescope, contour map or other information, waterproof lamps, various knives, mountaineering watches, skin windbreakers, quick-drying clothes, water bags, waterproof bags, etc. It can directly filter fresh water such as outdoor river water, stream water and spring water into direct drinking water. According to the operation mode, it can be divided into: straw type, pump type, extrusion type, gravity type, siphon type; It is KP and TW pump series, and personal use is generally PB squeeze type and PS straw type. Mountaineering rope: The diameter of the main rope is 9-11 mm, and the length is more than 45m. The commonly used lengths are: 45m, 50m, 60m. The bearing capacity is more than 1500kg. The diameter of the auxiliary rope is 6-8mm, and the bearing capacity is about 800kg. Mountaineering ropes are generally made of nylon, with nylon clothing on the outside, which has a certain elasticity. In rock climbing, the two ends are connected to the protector and the climber respectively. It is best to use dry ropes that do not absorb water when climbing ice and snow mountains.
Rock Cone: Drive into the cracks of the rock to hang the rope for protection.
Rock nails: First drill holes in the rock with a hand drill, then put the rock nails in and tighten them to hang the rope for protection.
Seat belt: used for rock climbing, descending, ice climbing, mountaineering, caving (longitudinal), rope climbing, and crossing grass rope bridges. is made of nylon
Made of suspenders, it consists of a combination of leg straps and a waist belt.
Ascender: Use in conjunction with seat belts and main ropes when ascending or protecting steep terrain.
Ropes and slings are often used as protection points.
Iron lock (main lock): Modern mountaineering iron locks are mostly made of aluminum alloys, which can withstand the impact force of more than 2000kg. Versatile for rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering and other adventures.
Ice axe: It is one of the important tools for climbing ice and snow slopes, and it can also be used for self-protection.
Ice pick: used for ice climbing, to set up protection points on the ice wall.
Crampons: Anti-skid equipment strapped to alpine boots through hard ice and snow terrain, with protruding tines on the bottom and front, which can be fastened on the ice and play a role in anti-skid and rock climbing.
Snow cover: The purpose is to prevent snow from pouring into the alpine boots.
Snow poles: Replace the long ice axe in slower terrain, and also for crack detection.
Helmet: Prevent snow, ice, stones, etc. from flying and causing accidents.
Snowshoes: When the snow is particularly thick, it can prevent deep sinking.
Small ice axe: refers to an ice axe with a length of no more than 55cm, mostly steel fingers, mainly used for ice climbing.
Descender: used when descending with the main rope, aluminum alloy, steel. Commonly used are 8-shaped, barrel-shaped, and Japanese-shaped.
Alpine glasses: prevent strong ultraviolet radiation in ice and snow areas, windproof and avoid snow blindness.
Down clothing: the most effective cold protection clothing for mountaineering in alpine and cold regions.
Weatherproof pants: used to resist the attack of wind, rain and snow in wind and snow.
Sweater trousers: practical cold protection clothing when a down jacket is sometimes not needed on the road.
Gloves: Down gloves, wool gloves and gloves should be prepared when working in ice and snow.
Alpine boots: double-layer boots with two layers inside and outside, the inner boots are thermal insulation and cold-proof, the outer boots are hard, waterproof, windproof, and can cope with various
This kind of environment is convenient for bundling crampons.
Socks: Wool socks are also a must-have item for cold protection. Hands and feet are the most prone to frostbite in alpine regions, so gloves and socks must be carried as spares.
Cold-proof hat: It is used to keep the head warm, preferably without a brim.
Ice pick: used as a fixed point on the ice, and now generally use the spiral type of alloy.
Snow cone: a device for fixing protection points on the snow. According to the depth and hardness of the snow, snow cones of different lengths and shapes are used, most of which are made of aluminum.