Are you an Electrical Electronics, Engineering student,Computer scientist or just an hobbyist interested in hardware programming but do not know where to start ?, look no further because Arduino Starter Kit is a great way for you to get started with embedded systems, micro-controller programming, and electronics project prototyping! This disc include basic components you need to make at least 15 fun projects following the step-by-step tutorials on the Project disc.
Some of the components are :
1. Arduino UNO r3 + USB cable X 1
2. Bread Board X 1
3. 1602 LCD display (16X2 characters) X 1
4. Set of Jumper Cables for (connections)
5. Adjustable or variable resistor
6. Resistors 220,1k,10k
7. Temperature Sensor(LM35)
8. Seven Segment Display (1digit And 4digit)
9. 8 X 8 Dot Matrix Display X 1
10. Servo Motor
11. LED emitter kit (red / blue / yellow; each 5pcs)
12. Infrared receiver
13. Light dependent resistors X 3
14. 9v Battery snap on connector
15. Push Buttons Switches 4
16. Buzzers X 2
17. 74HC595
18. Small DC Motor 5v
19. Remote control 1
20. Tutorial CD and more...
Be sure to confirm all the items on the list that comes with your kit