capacity 8-128GB
OTG (mobile and USB) storage device
Smartphone Computer
External memory expansion
Secured file for private files
Manage all your data directly on your Phone device.
Backup and restore your contact list
Document viewer for all major file formats
Dropbox supported
Free App can be downloaded from App store
Sellers experience:
The first time I this product ,I was shocked ,because it s really interesting ,but after use it , I feel it s not just interesting but very useful .
My phone installed a lot of Apps and there are many photos inside , phone memory is not enough ,but after use this i-flash , All problems solved!
1. I moved most of old photos to the i-flash Device, my phone have more space to store new photos (It can be directly connected to the phone and move the photo in the phone to the i-flash ).
2. I can see the movie in the i-flash ,it as a extra memory of the phone , I can use it to see the movie inside ,it s really cool !
3. When I travel work, I can open the Word/Excel/Power point /PDF inside to check the quotes and information,Super Uesful !
(this i-flash deveice support nearly 40 files type ^_^)