Electronic components are components of electronic components and small machines and instruments. They are often composed of several parts and can be used in similar products; they often refer to certain parts of electrical appliances, radios, instruments and other industries, including capacitors, transistors, A general term for electronic devices such as hairsprings and springs. Common ones are diodes. Electronic components include: resistors, capacitors, inductors, potentiometers, tubes, radiators, electromechanical components, connectors, semiconductor discrete devices, electroacoustic devices, laser devices, electronic display devices, optoelectronic devices, sensors, power supplies, switches, micro Special motors, electronic transformers, relays, printed circuit boards, integrated circuits, various circuits, piezoelectric, crystal, quartz, ceramic magnetic materials, substrate substrates for printed circuits, special materials for electronic functional processes, electronic adhesive (tape) products , electronic chemical materials and parts, etc. In terms of quality, electronic components have international certifications such as CE certification of the European Union, UL certification of the United States, VDE and TUV certification of Germany, and CQC certification of China to ensure the qualification of components. The development history of electronic components is actually a condensed history of electronic development. Electronic technology is an emerging technology developed at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. In the 45583th century, it developed the most rapidly and was widely used. It has become an important symbol of the development of modern science and technology.