2 pounds (1 kilogram)Pure white soy wax flakes, 100% natural soy wax blocks, used for homemade candles, high-quality
- I am an international seller
Our shop sells the most popular 3C consumer electronics products,such as mobile phone accessories,computer accessories,game peripherals,smart wearables,and follow the most popular fashion trends. If you like our products,please follow us,become our follower and fan.We will provide you with the most popular products to satisfy your fashion shopping experience.Weight : 1 kilogramMaterial : wax : Mainland China
PACKING: Including 2 pound soy wax, 100% Natural and Premium Quality.
NATURAL SOY WAX: It is mainly refined from natural soybean oil. Very delicate and has a slight milk flavor, usually in flakes and small pieces. It Burns without black smoke - safe enough, contains no unhealthy chemicals.
USED FOR: Raw materials for candle making such as scented candles, fragrance wax tablets, tealights,essential oils, etc. It works well in all types of candle tins and containers. Could produce even more amazing effects if mixed with white beeswax at 1:1!
EASY TO USE: No large blocks of soy wax to cut, simply melt them down(around 125℉), wait a few minutes, add essential oils, dyes or beautiful dried flowers after standing to cool down, and then pour it into a container to solidify.
PARTY FAVORS & SOUVENIRS: How enjoyable it is to make unique style candles with our family and friends at the party! At the same time, we can easily feel a great sense of accomplishment because we made it by ourselves!
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