The connection procedure is as follows:(1) First, clamp the red wire of the starter cable on top of the positive red battery terminal of the "resd car".(2) Then clamp the other end of the red wire on top of the red positive battery terminal of the "res vehicle".(3) the blawire clamped on the "resd car" begative battery.(4) Then clamp the blawire on the begative battery of the "res vehicle".(5) Start the engine of the "res vehicle" first, and then start the engine of the "resd vehicle". If you find that the car still cannot be started, please chethe metal contact part for poor contact.When you have finished starting the engine, you still need to remove the starter hitch cable in order, otherwise it may ca a short circuit.The procedure for removing the wires is as follows:First, remove the blawire from the "resd car".(1) Then remove the blawire from the "res vehicle".(2) Then the red wire of the "res vehicle" will be removed.(3) Finally, remove the red wire of the "resd car". method:Battery hitch line in the auto parts market can be bought, battery hitch line is generally blaand red two, mainly d to distinguish between positive and negative. Hitch when there is electricity side of the vehicle does not need to start, just need to connect the two vehicles on the battery in parallel, the red hitch added to the two cars on the positive battery, the blahitch connected to the two cars on the negative battery, and then you can start the vehicle.