Repeatability:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964Hysteresis:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964Linear:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964Measuring Range:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964Resolution:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964Sensitivity:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964Type: Pressure SensorOrigin:Mainland Oem No.:36106798872 36106874830 36106890964Car:For Bmw 5 6 7 X1 X3 X4 Z4 Mini Rools RoyceOe:36106798872 36106874830 36106890964Delivery:Fast DeliveryWarranty:2 Year WarrantyPackage:Each Parcel Will Be Carefully Packaged
Key Features
Welcome to our srore.
Type:Wrist Strap
Durable Material
Stylish Design
Versatile Usage
Great Value
Repeatability:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964
Hysteresis:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964
Linear:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964
Measuring Range:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964
Resolution:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964
Sensitivity:Same As 36106798872 36106874830 36106890964
Type: Pressure Sensor
Oem No.:36106798872 36106874830 36106890964
Car:For Bmw 5 6 7 X1 X3 X4 Z4 Mini Rools Royce
Oe:36106798872 36106874830 36106890964
Delivery:Fast Delivery
Warranty:2 Year Warranty
Package:Each Parcel Will Be Carefully Packaged
Production Country: China
Weight (kg): 0.5
Warranty Type: Repair by Vendor
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1/4pcs For Bmw 5 6 7 X1 X3 X4 Z4 Mini Rools Royce Tpms Tire Pressure Sensor 36106874830 36106798872 36106890964 433mhz