Sizes of this item are Asian sizes which are 2 to 3 sizes smaller than Europe sizes,so please choose 2-3 sizes bigger if you want Europe sizes.Our second picture is the sizes chart,please choose the size according to it.Please don't follow the Jumia Size Guide.Thank youSizes of this item are Asian sizes which are 2 to 3 sizes smaller than Europe sizes,so please choose 2-3 sizes bigger if you want Europe sizes.Our second picture is the sizes chart,please choose the size according to it.Please don't follow the Jumia Size Guide.Thank you.Dear Customer: To avoid choosing the wrong size, please read the size label carefully.Please select the size according to "height, weight".If your hips are thick and wide, buy a bigger size;About us: Gaupucean is a man fashion brand.We work on the principle of fairness,provide customers with the best service.After years of effort and research,we have become one of the most professional team in this field.We have a number of quality inspection departments to monitor every product,so that every customer is satisfied with the quality.The materials we use are the best,natural,feeling good and comfortable.We are committed to providing fashionable, quality products.Sizes of this item are Asian sizes which are 2 to 3 sizes smaller than Europe sizes,so please choose 2-3 sizes bigger if you want Europe sizes.Our second picture is the sizes chart,please choose the size according to it.Please don't follow the Jumia Size Guide.Thank you.Dear Customer: To avoid choosing the wrong size, please read the size label carefully.Please select the size according to "height, weight".If your hips are thick and wide, buy a bigger size;About us: Gaupucean is a man fashion brand.We work on the principle of fairness,provide customers with the best service.After years of effort and research,we have become one of the most professional team in this field.We have a number of quality inspection departments to monitor every product,so that every customer is satisfied with the quality.The materials we use are the best,natural,feeling good and comfortable.We are committed to providing fashionable, quality products.