Color classification: 22 134 410 32 high pressure gauge (visual) 22 134 410 32 low pressure visual competition HS-466-410-22-134-404 competition HS-466-22-410-134-404 kg thread 25 kg pressure gauge male thread 60 kg pressure gauge Inch thread 25 kg thick valve body 410 special high pressure gauge (visual) 22 134 410 high-end stainless steel gauge 22 134 410 high-end stainless steel gauge 22 134 410 special stainless steel gauge visual 22 134 410 single gauge oil-contained metal handle 55KG high-pressure contest metalHandle 35KG low pressure 466-410-22-134-404 single meter 466 35 kg metal handle high pressure 466-old style 12-22-410 466-old style 12-22-410 visual black 35 kg visual black 55 kg 410 22-466 gauge high pressure fluorine set 2 high pressure resistant fluorine sets 2 35 kg low pressure gauge metal switches
Accessory type:
Purchase place: Mainland
Key Features
Country of Origin:
Input Voltage:1V
Ships From:Mainland
Production Country: China
Weight (kg): 1
Color: Visual black 35kg low voltage
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