1.The first use,please kindly put the capsule into Nespressp coffee machine without coffee power,run it,check and make sure that the capsule compatible you coffee machine. 2.Fill into about 5g coffee power,a little pressure and cover with lid.(Note:in the future,according to the actual situation,increase the coffee power,press harder the coffee power, the coffee will be better,try a few times,you will be able to find a regular pattern) 3.Put the capsule into the coffee machine,close the coffee machine,run it,uso it like as nespresso capsule 4.Use finished,please remove the steel capsule,clean and spare.Note:before use it,make sure the steel capsule clean,the holes in the lid,no coffee power on the joint.it is ant to experiment with correct amount of coffee about 6 to 7g(5g/spoon)and also pay attention to grind which can neither be too coarse nor too fine.please try a few times to find the correct one.you will be surprised how good and y the coffee is.

Question 1:the coffee is not strong. Cause1:maybe because of the coarse coffee power Solution:coffee power thickness must like as nestle Nespresso capsule, coffee power need uniform particle. Cayse 2:maybe because of the fluffy coffee power Solution:when you load the coffee,press harder and harder. Question2:When use the steel capsule,do not come coffee or a little coffee,why? Cause 1:maybe in the steel capsule,there is a lot of coffee power Solution:it is better to make the capsule only 95%full of coffee power. Cause 2:maybe the coffee power,very close Solution:please see the instruction,how to fill the coffee power. Cause 3:The coffee so fine. Solution:the coffee powder,do not like as milk power,flour. Cause 4:The holes in the lid,be blocked Solution:Use finished,clean and spare.