For hundreds of years, eastern medicine understood toxins traveled downwards in the body accumulating in the tips of our toes and ankles. They also understood that toxin accumulation leads to many degenerative diseases. For example, painful rheumatism and arthritis were caused by acidic toxic fluids gathering around the joints. In foot reflexology, the feet are considered channels too many vital organs, with over 60 acupuncture points on the soles of our feet.
The foot pads contain natural ingredients which stimulate these acupuncture points through the combined action of wood or bamboo vinegar, far-infrared energy, and negative ion emissions. This stimulation results in the breakdown of water and waste molecules that free blockages in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Cleansing naturally begins in the soles of our feet. The primary effect of the Kinoki Detox Foot Pads is detoxification. The patches will absorb your toxins after using for a whole night. You can see that from the changing of the color after using it. The dirtier you see the foot pad, the more toxins it has absorbed. After consistently using for a period, they will become cleaner each morning.
That means most of the toxins in your body have been released already. Apart from your feet, you can also apply these detox foot pads onto other parts of your body, including back, knees, elbows etc. The Detox foot pads can use used to Relieve pain and discomfort of arthritis, reduce aches, pains, headaches, & tiredness Improve weight loss Improve the immune system Increase vitality and energy in the body reduces stress and anxiety, natural cleansing, Improves circulation, enhances mental focus and concentration, sooth headaches, capture toxins and eliminate them naturally. Kinoki may be applied to any part of the body and acupuncture points where there are pain or health issues.
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Benefits:- Release unwanted toxins
- Increase your energy level
- Reduce aches, pains, headaches, & tiredness
- Relieve stress
- Improve your metabolism
- Improve your blood circulation
- Improve weight loss
- Totally discreet - Works while you sleep
Directions:- Before going to bed, first, clean your foot.
- Remove adhesive backing.
- Apply the printed side of the pad to the adhesive.
- Apply the product to the sole of your foot or other desired area of the body.
- Gently remove and discard after 6-10 hours. Use soapy water to remove any residue if necessary.
- Continue to use these nightly until discoloration of the product subsidies.
- Use as-needed thereafter to maintain your enhanced state of well-being.
- Enjoy your new and improved health!